Defining the products:
The Centre’s Precision Profiling assay suite utilises a multi-technology approach metabolic phenotyping. Our profiling analysis suites leverage NMR, LC, and MS technologies in concert to provide deep analytical and chemical insight to complex samples.
We are also able to offer Proteomics in addition to the metabolomic and lipidomic platforms for increased coverage and capability to add to your studies.
Precision small-molecules:
Metabolites in body fluids are in dynamic equilibrium with those inside cells and tissues, providing insight to the metabolic processes that underpin pathophysiological processes. Observation of the metabolome provides rich insight into the biological alterations in disease which may be useful in assisting early detection and diagnosis, or managing treatment follow-up. Our Precision Profiling assay suite maximises metabolome coverage, providing detailed measurements of the thousands of biomolecules present in human biofluids.
Precision lipidomics:
Lipids play a role in numerous disease states as structural and functional components of human biochemistry capable of disease mediation and cell signalling. Our approach to lipid measurement leverages their chemical diversity for highly specific detection, providing a comprehensive representation and relative quantities of the lipid species present in each patient sample. Our Precision Lipidomics assays allow the determination of latent changes in lipid abundance associated with disease states and response to patient treatment.
Precision lipoprotein measurement:
Lipoproteins are complex particles in blood circulation, consisting of insoluble lipid types such as free cholesterol and triglycerides, packaged with cholesterol esters, phospholipids, and apolipoproteins. For many disease states, class-specific measurement of lipoprotein species provides greater biochemical insight than measurement of the total concentrations alone. We utilise 1H-NMR spectroscopy to quantitatively measure 105 distinct sub-species across the major lipoprotein classes including chylomicrons, very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), low-density lipoproteins (LDL), and high-density lipoproteins (HDL), as well as apolipoproteins (Apo-A1, Apo-A2, Apo-A3) and total measures of cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids.
Precision proteomic measurement:
Proteins are complex molecules which play an important role in many functions of the human body. Proteomics allows the measurement of proteins created in an organism and our platform allows considerable coverage of a wide variety of complex proteins.
The Centre’s BioExact assay suite provides a complementary approach to broad metabolic measurement where defined panels of biochemicals are measured in a targeted manner providing absolute quantification. This approach is best when specific metabolic pathways are known to be of interest, generally applied to answer clinical questions in hypothesis-driven experiments. To differentiate the targeted analytes from other interfering compounds, we offer both bespoke and pre-validated targeted assays based on LC/MS/MRM methods:
Amino acids/amino-containing compounds:
Amino acids are the bedrock of proteins and form a vital part in any metabolic pathway.
Eicosanoids/oxylipins and their precursors:
Oxylipins are potent lipid mediators demonstrated to initiate and regulate inflammation yet little is known regarding their involvement in the response to surgical trauma. As key modulators of the inflammatory response, oxylipins have the potential to provide novel insights into the physiological response to surgery and the pathophysiology of post-operative complications.
Bile acids:
Bile acids are important end products of cholesterol metabolism. While they have been identified as key factors in lipid emulsification and absorption due to their detergent properties, bile acids have also been shown to act as signaling molecules and intermediates between the host and the gut microbiota.
Tryptophan pathway:
The tryptophan path including kynurenine is important due to its connection to inflammation, the immune system, and neurological condition.
Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ Metabolomics Kits:
The MS-Facility is also set up to run Biocrates AbsoluteIDQ Metabolomics Kits which identify and quantify a large number of key metabolites from different compound classes, including amino acids and other biogenic amines, acylcarnitines, hexoses, as well as phospho- and sphingolipids.
Furthermore, the variety of assays are gradually expanding and different analysis are currently being developed and validated in co-operation with our partners. We also offer to develop specific analytical targeted methods for representative key metabolites of designated pathways in order to understand the patient journey better. Please enquire for further details if you have a specific assay under consideration and would like further advice regarding availability and timeline for the development of such assay.